My approach

The Grinberg Method® releases energy blocked in the body

Well-being exists when energy can flow freely. As a long-time and experienced practitioner of the Grinberg Method®, I will accompany your personal learning process. With my various offers, link goes to German page, need to change it to English I’ll help you to uncover your talents and strengths. At the same time, you’ll improve your health, your well-being, and your quality of life.

Have you been looking for a Grinberg Method® practitioner for a long time? Why not find out if it’s right for you? I’d be happy to answer your questions. Book a free introductory consultation with me now.
Make an appointment now

Grinberg Methode - mein Ansatz - Mirjam Köglsperger

Please note: The Grinberg Method® is a learning methodology. It does not replace any medical treatment required by your physician and is not a healing modality or treatment.

How I work 

How do you feel when you're stressed? Do you have a lump in your throat or a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? Are your shoulders tense? Is your digestion affected? Is it hard to think straight? Many bodily functions stop working under stress. The body reacts to what’s going on in your head and to what you perceive from your surroundings. I will show you how you can consciously break out of the stress spiral:

Free online introductory consultation

First, we’ll get to know each other in a free online consultation. If you feel that I can accompany you on your path, we’ll meet again in a safe space: my private practice, the HAPPY BODY Institute, where your needs and wishes will be heard.

Your wants and needs

After assessing your wants and needs, we’ll set a goal and a timeframe for transforming your life.

Your journey to vitality and well-being

Then your journey to a deeper understanding of yourself begins. I’ll accompany you for 3, 6, or 12 months in your process towards more stability, trust, and transformation.

In-person or online: Our collaboration can also take place online via Zoom, or you can book one of my other offers. I particularly recommend my Happy Body Membership, where you’ll find suitable exercises for every situation in life.
